Tall Cat wanted to go outside, but when I opened the door, he stopped, looking out to see if there were any threats, looking in to see if there were any treats. I couldn’t stand there all day, so I shut the door. My Taller Half (MTH), who was busy making breakfast in the kitchen, called out “he’s only window shopping.”
By the time I turned on my computer in the office, Georgy Girl by The Seekers was playing in my head.
You’re always window-shopping
But never stopping to buy
I was just getting up to go thank MTH for the ear worm when I heard him whistling Georgy Girl from the kitchen. The song popped into his head, too, without him realizing why.
We share a common song bank from the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s. Nothing surprising. It was just a simple moment. Nothing out of the ordinary. But in that instant, we were on the same wavelength, and I felt a rush of contentment, knowing there is no one else for me, no where else I would rather be. I was home.
People are always chasing the Big Thing — important jobs, fat bank accounts, faster cars, bigger houses, monumental events, over-the-top romance. More, more, and more. But people on the whole aren’t that happy. And because they aren’t happy, they chase the Next Big Thing or turn to alcohol or drugs or some other substitute to dull the pain.
The secret is to understand that life is a gift from God. When you know Him, when you are grateful for His good gifts, your eyes are opened to the extraordinary all around you. Those who seek Him have the opportunity to find joy everywhere. Alone or in marriage. In poverty or prosperity. In perfect health or in a sick bed. You can even, like the Apostle Paul, find freedom in a prison cell.
It is a simple concept but not easy. It takes discipline to look for those ordinary extraordinary moments of joy and contentment and thank God for them. In His grace, God sends a Helper through Christ to strengthen and encourage us in our faith. The more you look for things for which to be grateful, the easier they are to find. Reach for your inner Pollyanna and find reasons to be glad.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 (ESV)
This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (ESV)
Wishing you joy and contentment this day.